Using this web-site

Welcome to the web-site of the Gospel and Our Culture network in Great Britain.

If you wish to learn more about the network and its activities, go to Introducing the network.

The network publishes a newsletter. In it you will find articles to stimulate your thinking about contemporary Western culture in the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you wish to view past issues, go to newsletters. If you have a special interest in book reviews which have been published in the newsletter, you will find an index of these on the same page.

The network has its origins in the Gospel and Our Culture programme initiated by Lesslie Newbigin in Britain in the 1980's. Today it continues to draw much inspiration from his writings. If you go to Lesslie Newbigin, you will find a brief account of his life; his own account of pioneering the Gospel and Our Culture programme; and some bibliographical information should you wish to research further the work of Lesslie Newbigin.

If you are looking for material to help you reflect on the Gospel and Western culture, go to resources. A general introduction draws attention to some contemporary streams of Gospel & culture reflection. This is followed by reading lists to help you relate Christian faith to various aspects of Western culture including the academic disciplines by which its universities are structured today, some of the issues pressing for Western culture today, and the changes in this culture which have attracted the label 'postmodern.'

If you would like to read some first class articles on the Gospel and Western culture, a dozen or so can be found at choice articles. An annotated list of hundreds of other articles, arranged alphabetically by author, is also available. 

On the Notice Board you will find information about conferences, seminars, etc. provided either by the network or other organisations, together with hyperlinks or information on how to find out further details.

If you would like to receive the network newsletter in future, together with its ACCESS U.K. Supplement, go to subscribing to the network.

When you have explored this site you may like to visit the web-sites of sister networks in other countries and other sites pursuing Christian engagement with Western culture. Go then to links.

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