Lesslie Newbigin

I have been forced to recognise that the most difficult missionary frontier in the contemporary world is the one of which the Churches have been - on the whole - so little conscious, the frontier that divides the world of biblical faith from the world whose values and beliefs are ceaselessly fed into every home on the television screen... England is a pagan society and the development of a truly missionary encounter with this very tough form of paganism is the greatest intellectual and practical task facing the Church

Lesslie Newbigin


To view a large selection of texts written by Lesslie Newbigin together with a comprehensive bibliography (both in searchable form) visit http://www.Newbigin.Net. Most of this material is also available on the Newbigin.Net CD-Rom: to buy this, see the noticeboard for details.

To explore responses to Lesslie Newbigin, his writings and ministry, try using a google search of his name (watch the spelling both of his Christian name and his surname); some scholarly texts are available on www.newbigin.net; a glimpse of popular responses to him (including in blogs) try typing using google searches such as "lesslie newbigin" blog and "lesslie newbigin" facebook.


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